After a long hiatus, I am officially back as your date night sleuth for Central Florida. Thanks for your patience.

You'll see the Couple's Calendar is back… on the left hand side of the page. You can also buy Great Dates Orlando by clicking on the link on the left.

  • orlando world center marriott advertisement
  • ad for swan dolphin
  • icebar

SUBSCRIBE: You have the choice of either having this blog feed added to your homepage, like Google. Or you can have the blog feed emailed to you. I've always preferred this method myself.

I'll be adding posts on a regular basis. I encourage you to post your ideas, comments, and feedback. If you've been on one of the dates I've suggested, post your comments. The whole reason I scrapped the website + email updates was so that I could offer the interactive capabilities blogs provide. So… interact with me!

Have a wonderful long weekend… and don't forget to make some fireworks of your own!